Join the Stow-Munroe Falls Public Library's Teen Advisory Board (TAB)

Develop leadership skills and share your passion for the library with other teens by joining the Teen Advisory Board! All teens in grades 7 - 12 can apply. 

The TAB is committed to making the library a great place for teens. Our mission is to help the library develop resources, services, and events to fulfill teens’ needs and interests and promote the library to teens and the community. In doing so, teens will learn leadership skills and earn community service hours.

What we do:

  • Plan Teen special events
  • Volunteer at library events
  • Write book reviews and recommendations for the teen collection
  • Serve as a “Library Ambassador” to promote the library to other teens 
  • Strive to make the library effective and appealing for teens

Requirements to join:

  • Membership in TAB is by application and acceptance. Applications are only accepted from May 1 to October 1. Completion of an application does not guarantee acceptance. 
  • Candidates will have a desire to help their community and a love of the library. 

Members are expected to:

  • Participate in meeting conversations and contribute ideas
  • Volunteer a minimum of 8 hours per year by:
    • Attending at least 4 meetings (4 hours)
    • Helping to plan and/or attending the April TAB event.
    • Write at least two reviews of library materials per year 

Members must have a valid personal email account that is checked regularly. 

Failure to meet requirements could result in loss of membership.

How to apply:

Click below to download and print an application. Turn in your completed application to the Information Desk on the library’s first floor. Questions? Email Teen Librarian Christina at

2024-2025 TAB Meeting Dates

All meetings are at the library from 7 - 8 PM. Snacks will be provided.

September 17
Welcome meeting and brainstorm ideas for Teen Read Week and a spring TAB event

October 8
Teen Read Week and volunteer service project brainstorming

November 5
Volunteer project and brainstorm ideas for library book displays and booklists

December 3
Hot Chocolate party and book swap, assemble book display

January 7
Meet with the library’s marketing team to learn how the library will advertise the TAB’s spring event

February 4
Blind Date with a Book, TAB event planning, brainstorm volunteer project

March 4
Volunteer project and TAB event planning

April (Date to be determined)
Summer reading volunteer opportunities and put on TAB event for the public

TAB members who attend four or more meetings will get a library swag bag.

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